Wildlife Wonders II

A collection of photographs that features other iconic species of Africa. 

This encounter with a caracal was my first ever of this mesmerising cat. It was our last morning in Ndutu, in the Serengeti, in December 2021. We were aware that a caracal resided in this one particular area, however we had no luck with any sightings during the time we spent here. On this last day, in the early morning soft light, just as we were driving out of her supposed territory, the stars aligned and she magically appeared out of nowhere, gracing us with her presence - not alone, but with her almost fully grown kitten. She allowed us to follow her trail for quite a while (exhilarating, given just how enigmatic these cats are), and then disappeared into the thick bushes just as quickly as she had appeared. 

Things do happen when you least expect them. 


Wildlife Wonders I

Under the African Sky

Africa in Colour

Nature’s MARVELS